Make Lunchtime Fun for Kids With Delicious, Affordable Iceland Foods

You know how it is. The same old sandwiches and snacks in your kids’ lunchboxes, day after day. It gets boring for them and stressful for you trying to find something they will eat. But it doesn’t have to be that way! With a bit of imagination and some help from Iceland Foods, you can transform their midday meal into something they look forward to each day. In this article, we will show you loads of tips for making affordable, delicious lunches with food from Iceland that will liven up your kids’ lunchboxes. From fun shapes and colours to tasty new flavours, we have got plenty of easy ideas to turn lunchtime into their favourite time of day. So read on to start making lunch fun again!

Create Quick, Yummy Lunches With Iceland

Iceland makes it a breeze to pack fun, affordable lunches for your kids. Their range of tasty lunchbox snacks, sandwiches and salads are perfect for little ones and will not break the bank.

Fill Up Their Lunchbox

Iceland has loads of lunchbox fillers like crisps, fruit snacks, and yoghurt. Try mini cheese & onion rolls, fruit winders or frubes for something sweet. For a savoury snack, cheese crackers or breadsticks hit the spot.

Hearty Sandwiches

You cannot go wrong with a classic ham, cheese or jam sandwich. Iceland sells pre-made sandwiches with kid favourites like cheese & tomato, egg mayonnaise or jam. For something special, try a submarine roll stuffed with ham, cheese and salad. Cut sandwiches into fun shapes with cookie cutters for extra delight.

Balanced Salads

Add veggies to their lunch with ready-made salads from Iceland. Potato salad, coleslaw, and pasta salad are all great options. For little ones, keep the portions small and add kid-friendly toppings like sweetcorn, cherry tomatoes and grated cheese. Fruit salad makes a naturally sweet treat, just toss together melon, berries, grapes and oranges.

With Iceland’s quick, affordable and delicious lunch options, you will never run out of ideas to make your kids’ lunchtime special. And the best part? They will want to eat what is in their lunchbox!

focaccia sandwiches for a crowd – smitten kitchen

10 Delicious and Affordable Lunch Ideas From Iceland

Skyr Yogurt With Berries

Skyr yoghurt is a protein-packed Icelandic yoghurt that is perfect for little tummies. Top it with fresh or frozen berries, honey and granola for a quick, balanced meal. At only 100 calories per half cup, skyr keeps kids fueled for hours.

Fish and Chips

Fish and chips are always a kid’s favourite. In Iceland, cod, haddock or catfish are battered and fried until golden brown. Serve the fish with french fries or potatoes and a side of remoulade sauce for dipping. For a healthier option, bake the fish in the oven instead of frying.

Pancakes with Jam or Chocolate

Fluffy Icelandic pancakes are a perfect lunch treat. Top them with jam, chocolate spread, or maple syrup. For extra decadence, add whipped cream. Pancakes provide carbohydrates to energize active kids.

Meatballs and Mashed Potatoes

Homemade meatballs and mashed potatoes are comfort food at its finest. Icelandic meatballs are often made from a mixture of beef, pork and lamb. Serve them with brown gravy, green peas and creamy mashed potatoes. The protein and complex carbs will satisfy hungry tummies for hours.

Crepes with Nutella

Another kid favourite, crepes pair beautifully with the popular chocolate-hazelnut spread Nutella. Crepes provide simple carbohydrates and Nutella delivers healthy fats and protein. For a balanced meal, add a glass of milk or yoghurt.

With creative, nutritious meals featuring Icelandic favourites like skyr, pancakes or fish and chips, lunchtime will be your kids’ new favourite part of the day. Keeping them fueled with a variety of proteins, fats and carbohydrates means better focus in the classroom and energy for after-school activities. Affordable, delicious and family-friendly, Icelandic cuisine is ideal for little ones.
Black Forest Pancakes | milkandbun

Make Lunchtime Fun for Kids With Tasty Iceland Foods

Kids can get bored with the same old sandwiches and snacks for lunch every day. Why not spice up your child’s midday meal with some delicious Iceland-inspired treats? Iceland has a variety of kid-friendly foods that are affordable, nutritious and fun.

Yogurt with Berries and Honey

Plain yoghurt provides calcium, protein, and probiotics for digestive health. Top it off with fresh or frozen berries, which add antioxidants, fibre and natural sweetness. A drizzle of honey will make this a perfect sweet treat. Let your child pick their favourite berries and toppings to make it extra fun.

Fish and Chips

Fish and chips are always a favourite. Look for sustainable fish options like cod, haddock or pollock and bake or air fry instead of deep frying. Serve the fish with oven fries or chips and your child’s choice of dipping sauces like ketchup, mayonnaise or remoulade. The healthy fats in fish provide omega-3s for brain and heart health.

Pancakes with Jam

Fluffy pancakes topped with sweet jam or fruit syrup are ideal for a fun lunch or after-school snack. Make the pancakes with whole wheat flour and buttermilk or milk for extra nutrition. Let your child help measure and stir the ingredients to keep them engaged. The carbohydrates in pancakes provide energy while the protein in milk products helps them feel full.

With a variety of tastes, textures and options to choose from, your child is sure to look forward to lunchtime. Have them help pick out and prepare the foods to encourage independence and trying new flavours. Most of all, keeping lunch fun and stress-free will make for happier, healthier kids.


So there you have it, mums and dads – some quick, easy and wallet-friendly ways to liven up those lunchboxes without breaking the bank. Whether it is a yummy pasta pot, fruity snack or mini sandwich, Iceland has got you covered. Their everyday low prices mean you can treat your little ones to something different each day, keeping their tastebuds tingling and tummies full. And you get peace of mind knowing you have provided a tasty, nutritious meal, even on a budget. Now go forth and get creative with Iceland’s wide range of affordable goodies. Those lunchtimes will be fun before you know it. Just do not forget the juice carton!

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